Casino Yahtzee Rules
Yahtzee (or 'Yams') is a dice game using similar rules than Poker! You can play alone or with others. The goal of the game is to get the highest score and make as many Yahtzee as possible! We will explain in more details what “making a Yahtzee” means. For people who are more familiar with Poker, you can think of Yahtzee as a dice version of Poker, as many things are similar between both.
A review on how to play the board game Casino Yahtzee from Milton Bradley. From the back of the box: Casino Yahtzee combines the suspense of a gambling game. Forced Yahtzee Joker Rules (1961+) The official Yahtzee rule book (post-1961) applies the following rules: If the number that makes up the Yahtzee roll is available for scoring in the Upper Section, the score must be taken there (5 on 1’s, 10 on 2’s, etc.).
Equipment needed to play Yahtzee dice game:
- 5 six-sided dice
- Grid of Yahtzee
- A cup
If you do not have a grid at hand, you can find plenty of them online. Indeed, Yathzee is a very common dice game, and it is extremely easy to find an online version of this game. Otherwise, you can also draw one on a single sheet of paper. The cup is used to shuffle the dice and then throw them. You can use whatever kind of cup you wish, or simply roll the dice as for any other dice game.
The Yahtzee grid is called a 'scorecard'. Usually, each player has a separate one, but it is possible to have several players on the same Yahtzee grid. If you decide to play Yahtzee online, then the grid will usually be provided with the game!
Yahtzee: Rules of the game
The principle of the game is simple. Launch the 5 dice and complete the grid based on the results obtained. Yahtzee is as much a game of luck than strategy. Indeed, this game offers you different choices, and each decision will have a consequence on the rest of your Yahtzee game.
You are allowed to throw the dice up to 3 times. After each throw, you can keep some dice the way they are and only throw again the ones you want. You don’t have to throw them all again! This is where choice is important in Yahtzee game!
Upper Section of the Yahtzee Grid:
Casino Yahtzee Rules Cheat
In the upper section of a Yahtzee grid, you can find 6 different boxes. To calculate the score for each of these sections, you need to add the total number of dice matching that box. For instance, in the box “Three”, if your throw leads you to get 3,3,3,5,9, then the total you would write is 9. Similarly, if you get 5,1,6,2,2 in the box “Five”, your score would therefore be 5.
Lower Section of the Yahtzee Grid:
Three of a kind:
How to get a three of kind in Yahtzee: Get 3 identical dice.
How many points will you score when getting a three of a kind: The score to be indicated is the total of the dice. The total of the dice is the sum of the figures obtained. Example, if I get 5, 2, 8, 5 and 5, the total of the dice will be 25 (5+2+8+5+5).
Four of a Kind:
How to get a Four of a Kind in Yahtzee: Get 4 identical dice.
How many points will you score when getting a Four of a Kind: The score to be indicated is the total of the dice. The total of the dice is the sum of the figures obtained. Example, if I get 3,8,3,3 and 3, the total of the dice will be 20 (3+8+3+3+3).
Full House:
This one is a bit trickier!
How to get a Full House in Yahtzee: To obtain a full house in Yahtzee, you need to get 2 sets of identical dice. 1 set of 3 identical dice + 1 set of 2 identical dice. For example: 5, 5, 5, 2, 2 is a full house; 4, 4, 3, 3, 4 is also a full house (order of the dice does not matter) but 5, 6, 6, 1, 5 is not one (because of the 1). To get a full house, it is necessary to get 2 identical dice and 3 others different but identical between them. In short, a full house is effectively a three of a kind mixed with a pair.
How many points will you score when getting a Full House: If you manage to get a Full House, you score 25 points.
Small Straight:
How to get a Small Straight in Yahtzee: In Yahtzee, a small straight is a sequence of four dice. Example: With 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1, I have a small straight as I can count 1-2-3-4.
How many points will you score when getting a Small Straight: With a Small Straight, you score 30 points in Yahtzee dice game.
Large Straight:

How to get a Large Straight in Yahtzee: In Yahtzee, a large straight is a sequence of five dice. Example: With 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, I have a large straight.
How many points will you score when getting a Large Straight: With a large straight, you score 40 points in Yahtzee dice game.

It will always give you points. Chance is an extremely interesting possibility in Yahtzee when you’re not sure where to put your score! Be careful though as you can only use it once!
How to: Extremely simple. Add the value of each dice, regardless of the combination obtained, and the total would be your score.
How to get a Yahtzee: Get 5 identical dice. The principle is very similar to the three of a kind or to the four of a kind, but with 5 dice. Is you get for example 6,6,6,6,6, then you successfully managed to get a Yahtzee, the most important combination in this game.
How many points will you score when getting a Yahtzee: Managing to obtain a Yahtzee in the Yahtzee game would obviously give you the biggest score. You can mark down 50 points! Of course, you can cumulate them and make multi-yahtzee.

Casino Yahtzee Rules
Yahtzee was invented by a Canadian couple in the middle of the last century. Their names are unknown. The game was originally known as the Yacht Game, because this couple often played it with friends visiting them on their yacht.
With the game proving popular among their friends, the couple wanted to produce some gift sets to give away. They used a toy maker, Edwin Lowe, to make these sets. Seeing the potential in the game, Lowe bought the rights to it in exchange for making the couple 1,000 gift sets.
He then changed the name to Yahtzee and began to market it for sale.
Early sales were disappointing, which Lowe realized was because it was difficult for people to understand how much fun the game was, purely from his advertisements.
He came up with the approach of hosting Yahtzee parties where people could learn how to play and experience it for themselves. This greatly increased the popularity of the game, and sales began to increase.
Lowe sold the rights to Yahtzee in 1973, to the American board game company Milton Bradley. Milton Bradley is currently owned by gaming giant Hasbro, who sell millions of game sets around the world.