Slot Barrel Race

​ ​THE GLOW 2020 Rules and Regulations
All Cowgirl Creations Rules will apply to each and every race at this event. Please see specific Race Rules for Slot, Futurity and Derby Races.
The Glow Slot Race Rules and Regulations
The GLOW Slot Race is a Barrel Race with 250 slots available to racers, sponsors, businesses, or individuals (Must be 18 years or older to own a slot). Each slot will be sold this year for $250. There will be a $25 Arena Fee charge per slot that will cover the office fee, administration fee, arena fee and haul in fee for the slot race. The owner of the slot is the one that is named as Owner upon payment of slot. The owner can decide who he or she wants to run in their slot (it can be themselves, a client, someone he or she sponsors, etc.) The plan is to host this race annually and to payout 100% of Entry Fee Money. All slots are numbered, and entries made according to Owners name and slot number. Slot number is NOT your Draw number.
Slot owners for 2019 in good standing will be guaranteed a slot for 2020 and years to follow providing all payments have been received on time. Slot owners MUST be 18 years old or older as of slot purchase date, or a legal entity /company.
Slots can be Renewed for The Glow 2020 Slot Race starting September 20, 2019 only by electronic money transfer and will remain open for purchase until March 17, 2020. To Renew your slot, please fill out the Renew Your Slot Form found on Any slot NOT paid in full ($275) by end of day April 17 will be put up for sale to the first person on the Wait List on April 18, 2020. Wait List will be compiled in the order in which slot requests are received. In order to purchase a slot at this time, payment in full will be considered confirmation. If the waiting list is exhausted and there are still slots available, they will remain open for purchase up to 1 hour prior to the start of the slot race.
Only one Owner per electronic money transfer. No Slots sold or held without electronic transfer. No Limit to Slots per Owner.
The Owner of a slot is the person or company that purchases (pays) for the slot. Any rider and horse an Owner choose may race in the slot he or she owns. Rider declared on Renew Your Slot Form must agree and accept Rules and Waiver (If Rider is under the age of majority, Legal Guardian must agree and accept Rules and Waiver). All winning cheques will be made out to the Slot Owner. There are NO Vet or Medical Refunds for this Event. Owners may have anyone they choose ride in their Slot as long as all changes to entries are submitted, the change fee paid and approved by Producer before you run.
The GLOW Slot Race is produced by Cowgirl Creations. All payments for slots and arena fees are to be made to Cowgirl Creations and sent to . Security answer MUST be theglow
The selling of slots is prohibited. Owners assume responsibility until such time as they no longer wish to own. At that time, he or she may notify Cowgirl Creations that he or she no longer wishes to own their numbered slot. There is no penalty for not renewing slot ownership. The said slot will simply be up for sale for the following year.
The Prime sanctioning body for this race is Cowgirl Creations and all CC rules will apply.
Any horse and rider combination. There is NO cap on how many times a rider can enter this event. Each horse may only be entered and run ONCE in the Slot Race.
How to Renew Your Slot for Sept 13, 2020 THE GLOW Slot Race:
On September 20, 2019
1. Fill out the “Renew Your Slot” Form in it’s entirety on our website
2. Send Electronic Money Transfer to MUST include 2019 Slot Owner Name if different from sender, and Slot Number(s). 'Please refer to Slot List Number (Renew Your Slot page) for correct Slot Numbers and Names.
ANSWER to security question must be theglow
Full payment of $250 per slot Plus $25 Arena Fee (Total of $275 per slot) is due before April 17,2020. If full payment has not been made, the slot(s) will be considered still for sale and be offered to the next person on the Wait List on April 18, 2020.
FULL PAYMENT of $275 per slot is the only way to guarantee a slot.
Slot Owners will receive a confirmation email including their slots’ number. This is NOT your Draw Number. Cowgirl Creations will not be responsible for any fees incurred from electronic money transfer’s. No slots sold or held without electronic money transfer (Pay Pal accepted).
The slot Owner does Not necessarily have to be the rider. It may be a person or business, but the name on ownership will not be transferable or sellable. No Limit to Slots per Owner.
Race Rules
The race will be held in a 4D Format with equal payout to each D. Technically, if all 250 slots are sold, the total minimum payout would be $62,500. All said Sponsorship monies received will go to the payout, so the payout may increase, but not decrease. Payout will be 1st place in each D 50%, 2nd place in each D 30% and 3rd in each D 20% Prizes for 4th through 10th or more depending on Sponsorships received. There will be NO HOLD BACK of Entry Fees. Option 1 (half second splits with 2 full seconds for 4D). One run.
Fully completed Renew Your Slot Forms (including Bio and horses name) MUST be submitted before August 5, 2020. Any Rider/Horse changes made between Aug 5 and Aug 25, 2020 will be subject to a $10 Change Fee per change. Any changes made between Aug 25 and Sept 12 are subject to a $25 Late/Change Fee. All Riders MUST submit signed waivers BEFORE they ride (found on Renew Your Slot Form and/or Entry Forms). Riding without submitting a Renew Your Slot Form (Waiver) will result in a $500 fine, disqualification and immediate removal from the venue without refund of any kind. Liability waivers MUST be signed BEFORE you ride.
Full dress code is required in competition run as well as for awards presentation. This includes Jeans, long sleeve shirt with collar, hat or helmet and Western boots. Photo’s will be taken with awards recipients. You may have an appointed representative present to receive awards. No awards will be shipped.
Western attire is required for competition, including Helmet or Hat. Contestant must have hat on head when entering the arena. There will be a $5 hat fine for any hats falling off in the arena. Contestants will only be called three times. If you are not in the arena and you are called 3 times you forfeit your run and entry with no refunds.
Any knocked down barrel receives a no time.
Any “broken Pattern” will be a no time. Including backward movement from the horse after crossing the electric eye, any crossing (or re-tracking) of the standard cloverleaf pattern, refusal to move forward or stopping, incomplete pattern, if the horse falls in such a manner that pattern is broken. Contestants who receive a no time, may complete the pattern. However, re-tracking or turning a barrel again is not allowed and is subject to a $50 fine. You are taking the next contestants’ ground. Ground will be re-worked and continue as per the draw.
If a rider falls off and on the ground within the pattern, they receive a no time. You may not re mount and receive a time. You may not remount and finish the pattern
If the draw is announced incorrectly and a contestant runs out of draw order the run will be counted. If a contestant runs out of order notwithstanding any announcement they will be disqualified.
Running a horse out of draw position will result in immediate disqualification and with no refund of fees. Riders on more than one horse may NOT switch draw positions after the draw has been done. Horses will be entered into the race management system per electronic random draw. It is the rider’s responsibility to make any corrections with Producers before the Race start. Please use horses registered name when entering. Your Draw Number is NOT your Slot Number.
Good sportsmanship is EXPECTED at all times. All contestants and their family members (friends) are expected to display good sportsmanship at all times. Any displays of poor sportsmanship on social media outlets or in private messages/emails will be reason for disqualification with no refund and blacklisting from any future events with CC. No level of abuse toward any animal at this event will be allowed. Foul language, misconduct, abusive, argumentative, negative or damning comments spoken to or written about any contestant, spectator, staff member, volunteer or about the production of this Event may result in immediate contestant disqualification and no refund of any fees or refusal to Renew Your Slot for the following years’ competition. Contestants are also responsible for traveling companions and family members. All decisions made by the Race Producer and their appointed Directors are final.
Absolutely NO selling of goods or services unless you are a confirmed Sponsor of The Glow. Our Sponsors are very important to the success of this event and we will ensure that NO sales are made at the venue during our event unless you are one of The Glow’s Sponsors. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal and/or fine.
Every effort will be made to provide safe and even ground for all contestants. The ground will be worked every 5 runs or less at Arena Directors discretion. A Big or full arena rake will be determined by Arena Director and will be announced prior to race start. If a barrel is severely bumped or moved off its marker it will be readjusted prior to the next contestant. Contestants can request a barrel is reset. Contestants accepting the arena as is and completing their run will not be given a re-run without Producers Approval.
During tractor rakes, no horses will not be allowed in the main arena, or past the alley “wings”.
No horses are to be tied at any time in the main arena or the warm up arenas. There is No tying to any fences at Heritage Park. Please tie your horse(s) to your trailer.
All dogs must be on a leash and held or tied at ALL times outside of their trailer. Any dog disrupting the production of these races will be asked to leave. Any dogs found loose will be reported to the local authorities.
Ownership of a slot may be revoked if payment in full has not been received, if disqualification due to poor sportsmanship, or if slanderous or legal issues are incurred by Slot owner and/or their companions.
Awards will begin approximately 30 minutes after the last contestant competes.
If a tie occurs where monies are involved, the monies will be divided equally. If a tie occurs regarding prizes a draw will be made and all contestants will shift into the next lower position.
Prize money will be awarded in slot owner’s name only.
All changes to entries MUST be submitted and approved by Producer before you run. Riding without submitting a Renew Your Slot Form will result in a $500 fine, disqualification and immediate removal from the venue. Liability waivers MUST be signed BEFORE you ride.
It is the responsibility of the Slot owner (and/or Rider) to have read and understand the rules in their entirety. Not understanding rules, misunderstanding rules, not following rules, missed deadlines, or any event causing issue, will NOT be amended and may result in said slot(s) becoming void.
Each confirmed slot owner must have submitted the Renew Your Slot Form on website prior to August 5, 2020.
Sept 13, 2020 THE GLOW Slot Race will be held in conjunction with the Youth, Senior, Novice, The Glow’s Bill Robinson Memorial “Keeping the Dream Alive” Futurity and Derby Events as well as the Open 4D, Pee Wee 4D and The Glow signature Glow in the Dark Charity Barrel Race held Sat evening. Barrel Racers supporting Barrel Racers by Barrel Racing! Produced by Cowgirl Creations.
All Cowgirl Creations Rules will apply. The Producer has the right to alter, change or add to these rules for the good of the event or the safety of its competitors.
By entering this Event, all competitors and their families/friends understand that any photographs and or video taken at this Event can be used wholly or in part in any form of media (commercial or otherwise), portfolio or public display, without remuneration. Competitors and their families/friends give up all claim of ownership of the photographs and or video and assign copyright to the photographer/videographer.
By entering this Event, competitors assume all risks to themselves and their animals, including harm arising out of negligence of Cowgirl Creations, their staff, volunteers or representatives. It is understood and agreed that neither Cowgirl Creations nor their staff or agents shall in any way be liable for any accidents, injury, damage, loss, or for any other matter that may happen to competitors, exhibitors, owners, or members of their families, or their agents or to anyone on the grounds, or for any other loss, claim, matter, circumstances or event whatever, in connection with or arising out of, or attributable to, the Event
It is further understood and agreed that all competitors and their families/friends will indemnify Cowgirl Creations and any of their staff or agents and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to competitors or their animals, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by competitors or their animals.
Sept 20, 2019 – April 17, 2020 Renew and pay in full for your Slot
April 18, 2020 First on Wait List will be notified via email. Have fees ready😊
August 5 – 25 Any Rider/Horse changes will be subject to a $10 Change Fee per change.
August 25, 2020 Must have submitted Renew Your Slot Form in full to avoid $25 late fee

Barrel Racing Slot Race

Slots will go on sale April 14, 2021! Only 100 SLOTS SOLD!

Slots are a first come first serve basis each year!

1/2 second splits – 4D – Payout to 5 holes in each D

Lucky Horse Slot. If you love a day at the horse races, then you're going to love playing Lucky Horse - a super new slot from High 5 Games. Playing the role of race horse trainer, you've got multiple roles to perform - but the good news is you'll get rewarded handsomely for doing any of them well. First Timer's Futurity Slot Race Rules First timers slot is open to any jockey that has never entered or competed in a futurity slot race, this includes “carry over” futurity slot races AND the horse can never have entered or competed in a futurity slot race. Slot Race Secrets January 4, 2018 “The run felt really fast; she was getting so low, like my toes were dragging! My foot was almost to the barrel stakes an inch or two off the ground.” –Lacey Harmon and Tee It Up In My Sox (BHR Frenchies Socks x BA Tee It Up Ta Fame x Dash Ta Fame) winning the 2017 BFA Super Stakes with a 15.461. $500 Added Christmas Gift Drive Open 4D Barrel Race (1512 hits) Tyler, TX 12/4/2020 FAB Productions and Barrel Burn'n Productions 3 Day Event $2500 Added Daily Buckles BBR & Double Bonus Race Qualifer (1056 hits) Sapulpa, OK 12/5/2020 LUCKY DOG PRODUCTIONS (546 hits) MEMPHIS, TN 12/5/2020. Futurity Slot Race & Sweepstakes (100% Payback - Unlimited Entries) MVP Derby $2,000 added Crago Perf Horse Amateur $500 added Future Fortunes $10,000 added BONUS TO OPEN (no extra fees) Triple Crown $10,000 added BONUS (no extra fees) Stallion Breeding to top in Futurity plus lots of great prizes!! Tami Semas Saddle to 1D Futurity / Derby Winner.

Slot Barrel Race

Predicted Payout if all spots are sold:

1st(30%): $638.00


2nd(25%): $531.00

3rd(20%): $425.00

4th(15%): $318.00


5th(10%): $212.00

Fee Break Down:

$100 Entry Total

Slot barrel racers

$15 Office Fee/Insurance/Ground Prep


Slot Barrel Race Track

***We will not be asking for sponsorship but if anyone would like to donate we will not turn you down. Any sponsorship of $200 or more will guarantee you a spot in the slot race.***