Online Gambling Industry Worth

Market value of online gambling worldwide 2019-2023 Published by S. Lock, Sep 9, 2020 The global online gambling market is anticipated to be valued at more than 92.9 billion U.S. Dollars in 2023.

  1. Aug 29, 2018 The global industry for casinos and gaming holds down a current net worth of over $500 billion. Moving on to the analysis of the global online gambling industry, the industry is analyzed.
  2. Market value of online gambling worldwide 2019-2023 Published by S. Lock, Sep 9, 2020 The global online gambling market is anticipated to be valued at more than 92.9 billion U.S. Dollars in 2023.
  3. “Following Bitcoin’s significant rise in the online gambling community, people are now looking at the underlying technology, Blockchain, which is having a hugely disruptive impact on the industry. The estimated $41 billion gambling industry has been created and now it is ready to embrace the Blockchain concept and realize the financial.

We’ve come a long way since the days when everybody played Snake on their Nokia phone. It became hugely successful for the Finnish mobile maker, ending up on 350 million devices worldwide. Nowadays people download highly sophisticated games from the app stores, and although most are cheap to buy, often free, publishers make a considerable amount of revenue from in-app purchases. But just how big is the mobile gaming industry? We’ve collated a selection of recent mobile gaming statistics.

Mobile games still suffer some limitations compare to PC and console games. They tend to be smaller in scale and must work within the devices’ storage and memory limits. However, they are substantially more sophisticated than the games of the past, with better graphics and performance than many past consoles and even arcade machines.

Many developers have taken advantage of the fact that these games are mobile and used localization technology like GPS to make their games genuinely location-based. This means that games are possible on mobile games that would be impossible on a PC or a console tethered to a TV.

There was a slight check to the mobile gaming market late in 2018, mainly due to a slowdown in industry growth in China. This is due to a deliberate decision by the Chinese government to reduce the time Chinese youth spend playing games. Many of the mobile gaming industry statistics shown here, particularly the predictions, reflect this blip in the rise of mobile gaming.

20 Mobile Gaming Industry Statistics to Blow Your Mind:

1. Mobile Gaming Industry, Almost 50% of the Global Games Market

According to revised Newzoo research, the global games market was predicted to be worth $134.9 billion in 2018. The largest sector of this was mobile gaming which was estimated to be worth $63.2 billion, 47% of the global games market. This is a downwards revision of Newzoo’s original predictions, due to the regulatory changes in China combined with a current lack of new global blockbusters.


Smartphone games were expected to account for $50.0 billion of this, while tablet games, would account for the remainder $13.2 billion revenue.

While most gaming talk focuses on console games, which performed better than expected in 2018), they were still expected to only earn $38.3 billion, much less than that of mobile gaming.

2. Gaming Expected to be Worth More than $174 billion by 2021.

Newzoo continued their gaming revenue predictions through to 2021 (again revised in October 2018). By 2021 they expect total gaming to be worth $174.0 billion.

They expect mobile gaming to continue to grow, reaching $91.2 billion in 2021, with 43% of the market smartphone gaming and a further 9% tablet.

3. Asia-Pacific Makes up Almost Half of Global Games Market

Another Newzoo prediction revised in October 2018, is that 49% ($66.2 billion) of the 2018 global games spending would occur in the Asia-Pacific region, up 8.3% year on year. North America accounts for 25% of the market, $33.9 billion. Although this data doesn’t separate mobile games spending from other types of games, we know that mobile gaming is 47% of all gaming spending, so mobile spending must be approximately $31.1 billion in Asia-Pacific and $15.9 billion in North America.

4. 25% of Game Spending is in China

Newzoo predicts that total game spending in China in 2018 would be $34.4 billion, 25% of worldwide spending. In comparison, the US spent $31.5 billion.

5. 2.4 Billion People Globally Expected to Play Mobile Games in 2019

A recent report from Activision Blizzard Media and Newzoo, Betting on Billions: Unlocking the Power of Mobile Gamers, predicts that 2.4 billion people around the world will play a mobile game in 2019.

6. Gaming is the Third Most Popular App Category

The Betting on Billions report found that gaming was the third most popular app type, together with music. Half app users have opened a gaming app in the last week. The most popular kind of app, by far, is social media, followed by shopping apps. 50% of mobile app users play games (and the same percentage of music apps).

It is the second most popular type of app for 18-20-year-olds, with 2/3 having played a game in the last seven days.

7. Apps Account for 90% of the Time Spent on Smartphones

eMarketer’s Mobile Spent 2018 report found that apps account for over 90% of internet time on smartphones and 77% of internet time on tablets. But the time spent on the apps is unequal. Nearly half of app time occurs in an individual’s top app, and 90% in the top five. This would include games for many people. eMarketer’s report conflicts with the Betting on Billions report in that it says that digital audio is the top app genre, ahead of social networks. eMarketer still ranks gaming in its top five apps, however.

8. 73% of 2018 App Revenue Expected to Have Come from Gaming

According to Newzoo’s revised predictions, the $63.2 billion games app revenues in 2018 will have been 76% of all app revenues, leaving just $23.9 billion (27%) for non-gaming apps.

Although they expect the dollar values of mobile game apps to increase by 2021 (to $91.2 billion) these will only make up 71% of total app revenue, with non-gaming apps rising to 29%.

9. 50% of Mobile Gamers are Women

The Betting on Billions report shows that unlike console or PC gaming, there are little noticeable differences between the genders when it comes to the numbers participating in mobile gaming. 51% of all mobile gamers are women and 49% men.

10. Males and Females Play Different Types of Games


Online Gambling Industry Worth It

Online gambling industry worth

While the report found that as many females as males play mobile games, there are significant differences in the types of game they play. Young males prefer shooter games. Older females prefer puzzle games.

63% of those who play action/adventure games are men (and 52% are aged 21-35). This effect is even more pronounced with shooters – 74% men and 54% aged 21-25. With puzzle games, only 34% of the players are men, and 39% are aged 36-50 (with a further 21% aged 51-65).

11. 6-10pm is the Most Common Time to Play Apps

Betting on Billions found that more people played their games (and shopped) on mobile apps in the evening than at other times.

18-20-year-olds begin their daily game-playing earlier, with 30% opening gaming apps in the afternoon.

12. Candy Crush is Still the Most Popular Game Overall

Online Gambling Industry Worth

Candy Crush Saga may have been around for five years now, but Betting on Billions found that 35% of mobile gamers still play it, nearly double the second most popular game (Pokémon GO). Fortnite is currently in the third spot, proving that it is not just on consoles that Fortnite has mesmerized the younger generations.

Candy Crush is particularly popular in France, with 41% of mobile gamers still playing it daily.

13. Pokémon GO Top Grossing iPhone App


Statista shows slightly different results when focusing on daily app revenue (and limited to the iPhone in the USA). They find the top grossing iPhone mobile gaming apps in the United States as of December 2018 to be Pokémon GO (earning $1,442,297 daily), followed by Fortnite ($1,399,028) and Candy Crush Saga ($1,106,098).

14. The Average US Consumer Spent $77.60 on Mobile Games in 2016

According to Statista data, the average American spent $77.60 on mobile games in 2016, up from $70.44 in 2015 and $60.95 in 2014. Unfortunately, Statista doesn’t have any more recent data available, to show whether this upward trend has continued.

15. Mobile Phone Gamers in the USA is Increasing Steadily Each Year and Should Exceed 210 Million in 2020.

Statista has also released data on the number of mobile phone gamers in the United States from 2011 to 2020 (predictions from 2016 onwards). There were 80.7 million US mobile gamers in 2011, rising each year after that. It reached 164.9 million in 2015. Statista predicts that there will be 209.5 million US mobile gamers in 2019, increasing to 213 million in 2020.

16. 63% of (Adult) iOS Fortnite Players are Aged 18-24, and Nearly 2/3 are Male

According to Business of Apps, 63% of iOS Fortnite players are aged 18-24, with a further 23% aged 25-34. This does, however, ignore under 18s who play the game on their iOS mobile device.

Only 28% of iOS Fortnite gamers are female, with the majority (72%) being male.

17. Fortnite Estimated to Have Exceeded 100 Million Downloads on iOS in Just 138 Days

Apptopia estimates Fortnite surpassed the 100 million download mark after being on the iOS market for less than five months, just 138 days. However, the quickest game to reach 100 million iOS downloads was Super Mario Run which reached that milestone in a mere 68 days.

18. The Most Downloaded Mobile Gaming App of 2018 was Helix Jump

While Helix Jump may not have the recognizable name of Candy Crush Saga or Fortnite, according to Apptopia stats, it was the most downloaded game of 2018, with 334 million downloads. Subway Surfers came second, followed by PUBG Mobile, Fortnite, Rise Up and in sixth place, Candy Crush Saga.

19. 66% of Mobile Gamers Have Influence on Those Around Them

According to data collected for The Betting on Billions report, mobile gamers have more influence on the purchasing decisions of their friends, family, and colleagues than non-gamers. It found that 66% of gamers (vs. 53% of non-gamers) influenced the purchasing decisions of their family, 43% (gamers) vs. 35% (non-gamers) influenced their friends, and 37% gamers (vs. 29% non-gamers) influenced their colleagues.

The top areas of influencing family purchasing decisions were groceries, dining out, and entertainment subscriptions.

20. 53% of Candy Crush Gamers are the Primary Decision Makers in their Home

Perhaps unsurprisingly, considering the main demographics of Candy Crush players (predominantly female and older), across all household purchases, 53% of Candy Crush gamers are the primary decision-makers vs.45% for all gamers. They are particularly influential for decisions relating to purchases of groceries, clothing, homeware, and personal care.

Online gambling industry worth moneyDue to the unprecedented growth in the online gaming sphere, Ben Jones, Marketing Executive at ICS-digital LLP, examines how this sector has the potential to shape the future of entertainment
In the past decade, the world of online gaming has expanded massively. The industry was worth $41.78bn by the end of 2016 and that’s set to hit the $80bn mark by the end of 2020. Just to put it in perspective, 11% of total internet traffic now comes from online casino players. The UK’s remote gambling sector has seen a 300% increase since 2014’s new legislation, reaching nearly $6.7bn by the end of last year.
But it’s not just the remote-betting industry that has seen an increase, non-remote betting, which includes bookies and casinos, has also seen a strong improvement in recent years. Bingo halls being the only non-remote gambling sector to not see some form of increase.
You would assume that the huge increase in remote gambling is due to more and more punters favouring the online methods of gambling and making the shift away from traditional methods. But this isn’t the case; we can see that both industries have seen a strong increase in numbers, showing that online gambling appeals to more than just those who have never gambled as a new, convenient and engaging way to place wagers. Existing non-remote gamblers are also embracing the digital age, whilst still enjoying the experience of visiting non-remote betting outlets.

Gambling Industry Statistics

When we look at the global gaming industry as a whole, it’s no surprise that the online gaming industry has seen such huge growth. By the end of 2017, the global gaming industry hit a record breaking $107bn, which is more than we spent on film and music for the year combined.
The main reason for gaming’s huge increase in popularity is down to huge technology advancements in the last decade. It seems pretty straightforward, but the better the technology gets, the better the gaming experience gets. One huge factor to online gaming’s increase in popularity is the monumental advancements in mobile technology. As the technology improves, connectivity and accessibility also improve. This allows more players to take part in remote gambling from anywhere in the world, providing they have signal.
Gaming has very successfully made the migration from console to mobile in recent years, with mobile gaming becoming the fastest growing platform in the industry, making up nearly 45% of the global gaming market, which sat at a cool $47.5bn by the end of 2017. This is a huge increase of 20% in the previous year. If you think that the average person spends up to 40 hours a week on their mobile device, it is much easier for developers and remote gambling brands to market and attract attention from new players through a mobile device. Online gambling used to be perceived as a desktop-only way of gambling. However, developers are now creating mobile-only applications as we switch to a more mobile-focused world of online gaming. Players being able to place wagers whenever and wherever has played a huge part in the popularity; pundits can put a last-minute wager on their favourite team or even get given new odds and bets halfway through a game.
As mobile gambling becomes more and more popular, the saturation of the online gambling market also helps improve the industry. Essentially, as more and more people join the industry, we see player pools increase and payout rates improve. Another huge contributing factor is that you are now able to place a wager on more or less anything. Whether you’re a football fan, a royal family enthusiast or just really into politics, you can place a wager on practically any outcome in popular culture. It is no longer just sports fans who are taking part in online gambling with the premise of winning money while still following a genuine personal interest. Non-remote gambling sectors simply can’t offer this level of variety or convenience.
Another really important factor to consider is the increase in female online gamblers in recent years. Back in 2015, the female gambling population accounted for just shy of 50% of users in the UK. Many studies have shown that women not only prefer to gamble in private, but they also prefer a mobile device. So, they can play comfortably, confidently and feel they are less likely to be intimidated by male players. Some huge gambling brands have even created female orientated platforms such as 888Ladies and Pink Casino to help drive this continuously emerging market.
Gambling industry statisticsGAMBLING AS A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENTWorth
Gambling, whether remote or non-remote has never been seen as such a genuine form of entertainment. This is heavily down to the strong emotional connection between the player and the game. You can’t interact with traditional forms of entertainment - for example, you can’t dictate the plot line of a movie or a piece of music.
But, when it comes to online gambling, players can place wagers on genuine interests and actually create their own narrative. The journey and experience are solely based on the players’ decisions and talent, with them becoming emotionally invested in the outcome and this is magnified the minute a wager is placed.
Online gambling also appeals to a wide range of demographics. About ten years ago, you would think that it was majority adult male sports fans that would place wagers. But, as mentioned earlier, not only can you place bets on practically anything, but remote gambling also appeals to a wide range of people. The older generations are becoming more and more comfortable with technology and are enjoying using mobile devices more and more, so the concept of online gambling is becoming less and less intimidating. This allows communities to build where people sometimes spend whole days with friends in online bingo halls and casinos. Gambling is also becoming more and more appealing to the younger generations. It’s an exciting premise being able to win money via your favourite sports team’s performance, whilst still being able to enjoy the match as a spectator. Younger audiences have always been known to be very understanding of new technologies, with most 11-year-olds now being able to navigate a modern smartphone very easily. So, it is no surprise more and more young adults are starting to get involved with online gaming.

Online Gambling Industry Worth 2019

It is these huge advancements in technology and a frankly huge variety of gambling that is allowing the online gambling industry to thrive. Thanks to new emerging markets and the mass appeal of online gaming, the industry will continue to grow and become a regular form of entertainment.