Fafi Chinese Gambling
You can find a fafi circle in the local townships that are headed by participants of Chinese origin. The Chinese lucky number combinations have also been useful to playing the international lucky numbers competitions. Take a chance today and bet on the luckiest numbers that you have analysed from your dreams. Although Portapa 2 (Pty) Ltd t/a SUPABETS and its proprietors make every effort to keep the information supplied on its website current and in accordance with gambling legislation and guidelines, it does not accept any liability for any damages, gambling addictions, side effects, adverse effects, medical complications, injury or death arising from the use of any information available on its. Many studies have been conducted on the direct relationship between the lottery and dreams. Some people talk about the meaning of the lottery in dreams, and today we would like to go deeper.
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1. King; Human Blood; White Man
2. Monkey
3. Sea Water; Accident; Sailors; Sex
4. Dead Man; Bed;
5. Tiger; Fight ; Strong Man
6. Cow; Gentleman; Ox blood; Milk
7. Lion; Thief; Chickens
8. Pig; Drunk Man; Fat Man
9. Moon; Baby; Owl; Pumpkin
10. Eggs; Train; Boat
11. Wood; Tree; Bicycle; Flowers
12. Dead Woman; Small Fire
13. Big Fish; Ghosts; Spirits
14. Old Woman; Police; Nurse
15. Bad Woman; Prostitute; Knife
16. Small House; Coffin; Young Woman; Paper Money; Pigeons
17. White Woman; Diamonds; Stars
18. Silver Money; Rain; Maid , Right Eye
19. Little Girl; Left Hand; Smoker
20. Cat; Sky; Handkerchief, Music; Naked Woman; Minister
21. Old Man; Elephant, Teeth, Nose
22. Rats; Motorcar, Shoes, Left Foot
23. Horse; Doctor; Head ; Hair , Crown
24. Mouth; Wild Cat; Lioness; Hole ; Purse
25. Big House; Church; Hospital
26. Bees; Crowd; Funeral
27. Dog; Newborn Baby; Medicine; Sad News
28. Sardines; Small Fish; Right foot
29. Small Water; Coffin; Tears ; Right Hand
30. Graveyard; Sun ; Indian; Throat
31. Big Fire; Bishop; Fight; Feathers
32. Brown Money; Dirty Woman; Snake
33. Little Boy; Spider
34. Meat; Human Poop; Anything Dirty/Smelly
35. Clothes; Sheep; Big Hole
36. Stick; Cigar, Penis, Gum
Had any vivid dreams lately? Well, every detail of your dream can be assigned to specific ‘lucky’ numbers for Lucky Numbers on Bet.co.za.
If a person remembers key and crucial aspects of their dreams, then this Lucky Numbers Dream Guide can be used for related and associated words for those dreams.
Numerous people make use dream guides to translate their dreams into numbers, it is commonplace in South Africa.
For example, dreams about a car translate to number the 51, sickness is 12, water is 15 and a best friend is 38. Essentially your lucky numbers would consist of these numbers based your dreams.
Accident 3
Act 12
Action 11
Advert 29
Albino 35
Aliens 33
Ambulance 46
Amarula 41
Answer 11
Anything dirty 34
ANC 42
Ancestor 18
Ankle 13
Alarm Clock 6
Ants 31
Angel 3
Apple 23
Avocado 8
Army 43
Arrow 37
Art 11
Artist 33
Arsenal 9
Arsenic 50
Ass 21
Astronaut 43
Attacked 41
Audi 8
Aunt 35
Baby 9
Baby (Newborn) 27
Babes 19
Bad man 26
Bad woman 15
Bathroom 50
Battle 31
Beard 46
Bed 4
Beer 6
Beg 31
Best Man 22
Best Friend 38
Betting 5
Bible 7
Bicycle 11
Big bird 19
Big Breasts 41
Big fire 31
Big fish 13
Big grave 35
Big house 25
Big knife 29
Big ship 22
Big spirit 31
Birth 40
Bishop 31
Black Label 9
Black 19
Blood (Human)
Bloodshed 39
Bottle 15
Boat 10
Body 20
Body builder 44
Boer 37
Boobs 39
Box 9
Boxer 25
Braai 14
Broom 10
Brother 6
Bread 19
Brush 52
Breasts 24
Bucket 11
Bus 12
Bush 26
Busted 23
Butter 11
Butterfly 18
Cake 17
Can 23
Car 51
Carnival 47
Carrot 51
Cat 20
Cattle 41
Cave 41
Cap 12
Castle 33
Chasing 4
Chased 5
Chickens 7
Chief 2
Child 18
Cheese 17
Chocolate 49
Choke 15
Church 25
Cigars 36
Cigarette 12
Circus 49
Clock 40
Clothes 35
Clown 48
Coffin 16
Coffin 29
Computers 45
Cooking 37
Copper 2
Coronavirus 19
Cough 31
Cow 13
Cow Herd 40
Crash 37
Crack 34
Crook 13
Crossing a River 11
Cripple 34
Crocodile 38
Cross 10
Crowd 29
Crown 23
Crown 26
Cup 14
Fafi Chinese Gambling Online
Dead man 4
Dead woman 12
Deal 34
Detective 14
Devil 9
Diamond 17
Diary 15
Dice 7
Digging 27
Dirty (Anything) 34
Doctor 23
Dog 27
Door 42
Dress 16
Drunken man 8
Drunk 11
Driving 30
Ducks 12
Duvet 17
Dwarf 40
Eating 24
Eagle 52
Eggs 10
Elephant 21
Engine 19
Evil 6
Excited 23
Eye (Left) 1
Eye (Right) 18
Even 2
Evening 19
Fan 20
Fat man 8
Fat Lady 19
Fart 19
Farm 9
Falling 39
Falling Down 16
Field 41
Fight 5
Fight 31
Fire (Big) 31
Fire (Small) 12
Fireworks 38
Fish (Big) 13
Fish (Small) 28
Fisherman 21
Flowers 11
Flowing Water 37
Flu 17
Flying 21
Foot (Left) 22
Foot (Right) 28
Football 45
Forest 30
Fortune (Small) 4
Friend 31
Freezer 25
Frog 3
Funeral 26
Furniture 11
Gate 16
Games 33
Gas 28
General 26
Gentleman 6
Ghosts 13
Glass 6
Goat 12
Goat Herd 16
Gold money 32
Gold 31
Grandfather 11
Grandmother 18
Grasshopper 32
Grave 10
Graveyard 30
Great Grand Parent 12
Gun 15
Hair 23
Hand (Left) 19
Hand (Right) 29
Handkerchief 20
Hammer 6
Head 23
Healer (Traditional) 40
Heater 14
Heaven 17
Help 17
Hell 19
Hole 9
Hole 24
Hole (Big) 35
Hook 18
Hooka 22
Horse 23
Horse (White) 15
Hospital 25
House (Big) 25
House (Small) 16
Human blood 1
Hut 47
Fafi Chinese Gambling Sites
Insects 25
Investigate 31
Ice 35
Indian 30
Injection 19
Injury 44
Immigration 17
Jam 20
Jealous 33
Jewelry 45
Jockey 2
Joke 4
Judge 11
Juice 9
Karma 5
Key 46
Kettle 35
Kick 37
Kill 15
Kiosk 19
King 1
Kingdom 23
Kiss 35
Kite 47
Knife 21
Lawyer 37
Leak 15
Left eye 1
Left foot 22
Left hand 19
Letter 16
Lotto 1
Lock 41
Lockdown 26
Lighter 15
Lightening 47
Lion 7
Lioness 24
Little boy 33
Little girl 19
Loafer 8
Luggage 17
Madman 26
Magic 50
Man (Dead) 4
Man (Old) 21
Man (White) 11
Matches 40
Meat 34
Medicine 27
Milk 6
Minister 20
Mobile 36
Mobile Phone 22
Money 2
Money Coins 23
Monkey 2
Monster 41
Moon 9
Motor car 22
Mouth 24
Mountain 22
Mud 44
Music 20
Naked woman 20
Naked Man 36
Newborn 27
Newspaper 41
Nightmare 48
Nose 21
Nurse 14
Old man 21
Old woman 14
Orange 51
Oval 10
Oven 14
Owl 9
Ox Blood 6
Pastor 16
People 41
Phone 45
Pig 8
Pigeon 16
Pillow 23
Planets 41
Plant 17
Policeman 27
Powerball 6
Pot 13
Prison 25
Pregnant 20
Pumpkin 9
Purse 24
Queen 17
Queer 41
Quiet Place 11
Quickly 13
Rabbit 43
Rain 18
Rain 29
Rainbow 48
Rats 22
Revolution 50
Ring 7
Right eye 18
Right foot 28
Right hand 29
River 40
Road 11
Round 9
Rubber 31
Rural 17
Sad news 27
Sailor 3
Salon 52
Sangoma 39
Sardines 28
Scar 18
Scissors 46
Scream 25
Sea sand 46
Sea Water 3
Sex 3
Shark 44
Shack 37
Shebeen 49
Sheep 35
Ship 22
Shirt 18
Silver 6
Shoes 22
Shower 52
Silver money 18
Sick 12
Sing 37
Sjambok 38
Sky 20
Skollie 13
Small child 28
Small fire 12
Small Fortune 4
Smoke 19
Snail 40
Snake 32
Snakes 33
Sniper 39
Soccer 31
Soldier 43
Sold 30
Space ship 49
Spear 42
Spider 33
Spirit 2
Spirits 13
Stab 8
Stadium 38
Stallion 47
Stars 17
Stick 36
Stole 26
Stolen 17
Storm 45
Stranger 21
Strong Man 5
Stupid 8
Sun 30
Surprise 28
Tan 17
Table 4
Tattoos 39
Teacher 39
Tears 29
Teeth 21
Thief 7
Thief 28
Throat 30
Thunder 43
Tiger 5
Ticket 2
Tissue 3
Tornado 42
Tomato 26
Tree 1
Traditional healer 40
Train 10
Trap 50
Traffic Officer 18
Treasure 37
Tree 11
Trumpet 52
Turtle 43
TV 47
Twitter 35
Umbrella 42
UmLungu 1
Underwater 19
Underwear 25
Fafi Chinese Gambling Site
Vacuum 33
Vaccination 11
Vixen 24
Volvo 18
VW 3
Water 15
Water 3
Wealth 48
Wedding 3
Whale 48
Wheat 50
White horse 15
White man 1
White woman 17
Whiskey 19
Witch 4
Witches 14
Witchcraft 18
Woman 31
Wood 11
Work 7
Working 28
Wrestler 45
Fafi Chinese Gambling News
Yacht 35
Yellow 5
Yeast 10
Young woman 16
Young Person 31
Yelling 4
Zoo 2
Zebra 17
Zit 13
Zombie 34
Fafi Dream Guide

FAFI or MoChina is a form of betting done by some South Africans, it is believed to have originated from the Chinese community in the country.
1. King; Human blood; White man; Left eye
2. Monkey; Native; A Spirit; Chief; Copper; Money; Jockey
3. Sea Water; Accident; Frog; Sailor; Sex
4. Dead man; Turkey; Small Fortune; Bed
5. Tiger; Fight; Strong Man
6. Ox Blood; Gentleman; Milk
7. Lion; Thief; Big stick; Chickens
8. Pig; Drunken man; Loafer; Fat man; Chinese king
9. Moon; Baby; Hole; Owl; Devil; Pumpkin; Anything round
10. Eggs; Train; Boat; Grave; Anything Oval
11. Carriage; Wood; Tree; Furniture; Bicycle; Flowers
12. Dead woman; Ducks; Small fire; Chinese Queen
13. Big fish; Ghosts; Spirits
14. Old woman; Fox; Detective; Nurse; Native woman
15. Bad woman; Prostitute; Canary; White horse; Small knife
16. Small house; Coffin; Pigeon; Young woman; Paper money; Letter
17. Diamond woman; Queen; Pearls, Diamond; Stars; White woman
18. Silver money; Servant girl; Right eye; Butterfly; Hook; Rain
19. Little girl; Smoke; Bread; Big bird; Left hand
20. Cat; Sky; Handkerchief; Body; Music; Minister; Naked woman
21. Old man; Stranger; Fisherman; Elephant; Knife; Nose; Teeth
22. Rats; Motor car; Big ship; Left foot; Shoes
23. Horse; Doctor; Head; Hair; Crown
24. Mouth; Wild cat; Vixen; Lioness; Hole; Purse
25. Big house; Church; Boxer; Hospital
26. Bees; Crown; Bad man; Bush; General; Funeral; Madman
27. Dog; Policeman; Newborn baby; Medicine; Sad news
28. Sardines; Small fish; Thief; Right foot; Suprise; Small child
29. Small water; Coffin; Rain; Tears; Big knife; Right hand
30. Fowl; Graveyard; Sun; Throat; Indian; Forest
31. Big fire; Bishop; Big spirit; Feathers; Fight; Woman
32. Gold money; Dirty woman; Snake
33. Little boy; Spider
34. Meat; Human dung; Anything dirty; Cripple; Tramp
35. Clothes; Sheep; Big hole; Big grave
36. Shrimp; Stick; Admiral; Cigars; Gum
37. Arrow; Lawyer; Treasure; Cooking; Stream
38. Crocodile; Balloons; Sjhambok; Fireworks; Stadium
39. Sangoma; Soccer team; Tattoos; Bloodshed; Teacher
40. Birth; Clock; Snail; Dwarf; River; Traditional healer
41. Cattle; Planets; Cave; Desert; Monster
42. Tornado; Spear; Umbrella; Camel; Door
43. Army; Thunder; Astronaut; Rabbit; Turtle
44. Shark; Stud farm; Body builder; Injury; Mud
45. Football; Computers; Jewelry; Wrestler; Storm
46. Ambulance; Beard; Sea and Scissors; Key
47. Stallion; Kite; TV; Lightening; Carnival; Hut
48. Clown; Rainbow; Nightmare; Whale; Wealth
49. Shebeen; Circus; Chocolate; Space ship
50. Bathroom; Magic; Revolution; Trap; Wheat
51. Car; Carrot; Orange; Vulture; Wasp
52. Brush; Eagle; Salon; Shower; Trumpet